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Kevin Poon

Architectural Assistant
BSc (Hons) Architecture

Kevin first joined Birds Portchmouth Russum in 2019 as a placement student. Kevin has shown commendable initiative and a highly impressive architectural critical awareness during initial periods in this office. Kevin re-joined us in 2021 following the completion of his BSc in Architecture at the University of Bath, in which he achieved first-class honours for his degree as well as his dissertation project.

Since re-joining the office, Kevin has built substantially on the creative foundations he brought into his placements with Birds Portchmouth Russum and has shown a remarkable sense of responsibility in all aspects of his work. Kevin has continued to advance his skills and has had a pivotal role in developing the design and presentation for a number of projects. In addition to these qualities Kevin brings and contributes a special interest in the importance of sustainable design with regard to building lifecycle and the circular economy.